
OILnax Degreasing Liquid [Detergent ][Oil Decompostion Detergent]

Naturally cleans oil with the power of nature.
We want to make the ecosystem smile by using oil-degrading detergents that are kind to both users and the environment.

OILnax Degreasing Liquid
[Neutral Type: for General Use, for Industrial Use,
for Contaminated Soil, River and Marine Use]

  • Miniaturisation
  • Dispersion
  • Biological

Our Products

Product Overview

OILnax was born after tacking for many years the environmental issues that plant parts manufacturing workshops face. Based on the knowledge gained by this experience, OILnax has oil degreasing capacity. Alkaline electrolysed type is an oil degreasing liquid suitable for cleaning oily tableware and kitchen equipment, washing oil-stained towels and work-wear, removing grease from grease trap tanks and workshops. It displays exceptional results in improving the oil-related environment issues in such areas as polluted ground, river and ocean.

Separation and break down of oil

Ordinary Detergent

  • Detergent wraps around oil

  • Separates it

  • Oil molecules too large and cannnot be destroyed by aerobic microorganisms

  • As the particles are large and the oil re-binds and sticks to the surface

Oil Breakdown Agent

  • The OILnax component

  • Breaks oil down into nano-sized particles
    *5 nanometers=5 billionths of a meter

  • Oil molecules become dissolved into water and do not re-bind

  • Bacteria keeps metabolising the oil and it dissapears in a short time

Example of use

Usage and examples

for General Use

  • Cleaning tableware, household and commercial kitchen equipment
  • Cleaning oily towels and work clothes

for Grease Trap

  • For improving normal hexane levels in grease trap tanks and drainage routes

for Industrial Use

  • Removal of oil stains from machine tools, molds & processed products, vehicles and ship engines, etc.
    For improving wastewater normal hexane values in factory etc.

for Contaminated Soil, River and Marine Use

  • On-site oil odor and deodorization measures at contaminated sites, Spill/leak oil treatment,
    Treatment of residual oil in the soil at former factories and gas stations

Feedback from our clients using OILnax

OILnax Application at an Italian restaurant Piscaria

OILnax Application at a Linen Supplier

Example of OILnax application (Grease trap tank and soil improvement)

Condition of grease trap tank just after applying OILnax

Condition of grease trap tank 10 hours after applying OILnax

Example of OILnax application to improve soil pollution


Six Features of OILnax


OILnax miniaturises oil faster than surfactant separates oil.

Water dispersion

Water dispersion is achieved duing the drainage process.
(Miniaturised oil particles further disperse)

Biological decomposition

Biological decomposition takes place before the secondary pollution (adhesion and solidification of oil to drain pipes and oil becoming sludge) occurs.

Contribution to beautification and improvement of drain passage

The n-Hex value can be expected to be reduced in the drain passage.

Adds disinfecting and deodorizing power *For General use only

By adding the “AG” ingredient, OILnax has demonstrated a fast-acting sterilizing effect on general bacteria and a deodorizing effect on gases that are the main cause of body odor and sweat odor.
You can expect long-lasting effects with continued use.

OILnax can be expected to have immediate effects that can eliminate common bacteria in about 5 minutes (see verification below) Viable bacteria count measurement result of test solution (drawn by nax)

Target bacteria: Escherichia coli

Target bacteria: Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Target bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus

(* Note1) Not detected・・・<10&<100 / - ・・・No measurement
Test request destination:Japan Food Research Laboratories (JFRL)
Test report issue number : 19103368001-0101 & 19103368001-0201 (2019/10/28)

By using OILnax, you can expect over 93% deodorization and deodorization effect on “sweat odor and body odor” in about 10 minutes (see verification diagram below) Residual concentration measurement results using the gas detector tube method (drawn by nax)

Test target (initial gas concentration): Ammonia (approx. 100ppm)

Test target (initial gas concentration): Isovaleric Acid (approx. 15ppm)

Test target (initial gas concentration): Acetic Acid (approx. 50ppm)

(* Note 2) Less than the lower limit of quantification (1ppm)
Test request destination:Japan Food Research Laboratories (JFRL)
Test report issue number:19103368002-0101 (2019/10/03)

Gentle to people and the environment

Being particular about beautification and improvement of the environment, only high-grade natural material is used as the main raw material. Hazardous material specified by the PRTR (Pollutant Release and Transfer Register) is not used


Product Specifications

  • Bottle / 1 litre
  • Bottle / 2 litre
  • Bottle / 4 litre
  • Container / 18 litre

* Note: These products are for “General Use”. Product specification differ depending on the target usage, such as for Grease Trap

OILnax Degreasing Liquid
[ Electrolysed Alkaline Type: for Industrial Dishwasher ]

  • Miniaturisation
  • Dispersion
  • Biological
  • Alkaline

Example of use

Usage and examples

For Industrial Dishwasher

To improve the environment inside and around the dishwasher

*Note) Use an automatic supply device for liquid cleaning agent. Please contact us regarding equipment and construction.

Feedback from our clients using OILnax

OILnax Application at Butakumi Restrant Group

*Please note: Some stores in the video are already closed. Please check the latest information.

OILnax Application at an Italian restaurant Piscaria


Six Features of OILnax


OILnax miniaturises oil faster than surfactant separates oil.

Water dispersion

Water dispersion is achieved duing the drainage process.
(Miniaturised oil particles further disperse)

Biological decomposition

Biological decomposition takes place before the secondary pollution (adhesion and solidification of oil to drain pipes and oil becoming sludge) occurs.

Contribution to beautification and improvement of drain passage

The n-Hex value can be expected to be reduced in the drain passage.

Gentle to people and the environment

Being particular about beautification and improvement of the environment, only high-grade natural material is used as the main raw material. Hazardous material specified by the PRTR (Pollutant Release and Transfer Register) is not used

Increased cleansing power with alkaline power

OILnax is an electrolysed alkaline type detergent. It’s cleansing power is increased with the energy gained during the electrolysis of water.


Product Specifications

  • Bottle / 18 litre
  • Container / 18 litre


Please feel free to ask us any questions or handling information regarding our products.

TEL +81-45-315-7801

9:00-17:00 weekdays, excluding public holidays

Online inquiry form