
Business Overview and History

nax series connects to a sustainable future
while overcoming water and oil issues

Business Category

Manufacturing and selling  nax series of products

  • OILnax

    Degreasing liquid that can handle severe oil stain caused by soil contamination and sea water.

  • AQUAnax

    Strong alkaline electrolysed water that does not pollute the environment, generated with 99% water.

  • JIAnax

    Decontaminating deodourising solution, having hypochlorous acid water solution as its main component, can even prevent viruses.


History of Nakajima Sangyo Co., Ltd.

Nakajima Sangyo Co., Ltd. was founded in Tokyo in 1929 as a manufacturer of forged products, and has been manufacturing and selling special steel forgings for over 80 years.

1929 Founded as Nakajima Iron Works in Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo.
1934 Moved to Haneda, Ota-ku, Tokyo
1965 Changed trade name to Nakajima Sangyo Co., Ltd.
1979 Moved to Keihinjima in the same ward to solve pollution problems and increase the size of machinery and equipment.
2007 Established the current company, the “Environmental Business Department,” in Takanawa, Minato-ku, Tokyo.
Started manufacturing and selling the following 3 products as part of nax series.
– Degreasing Liquid [Detergent][Oil Decompostion Detergent] – OILnax
– Decontaminating Liquid [Detergent] – AQUAnax
– Deodorising [Solution] – JIAnax *Initially only products for professional use

Above OILnax, AQUAnax and JIAnax have all been trademarked.

2009 “Environmental Business Department” became a separate corporation (parent body of current business entity)
2010 Start of manufacturing and sales of AQUAnet spray system *Old model

Above AQUAnet has also been trademarked.

2011 Started manufacturing and sales of “Environ Mill Water Generator,” a device that generates “Environ Mill Water” to replace cutting oil for metal processing field.

*Note: Production and sales ended in October 2022.

2015 Moved the head office and manufacturing base to Nihonbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo to unify them.
2016 Started sales of JIAnax Decontaminating Deodorising Solution for general households as a measure to prevent infectious diseases.
2017 Acquired a new patent for “Environ Mill Water Generator,” a device that generates “AQUanax” alkaline electrolyzed water, degreasing agent and “Environ Mill Water” to replace cutting oil for metal processing field.

“Equipment for producing water-soluble coolant obtained by diluting water-soluble cutting fluid with alkaline electrolyzed water and alkaline water-soluble coolant obtained by diluting water-soluble cutting fluid with electrolyzed water”
(Japanese Patent No. 6097992)

2019 Moved to current base in Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture
2020 Started manufacturing and sales of ”AQUAnet (AF1002)”spray system
*Current model
2024 Obtained a new patent in the cosmetics field for the alkaline electrolyzed water/degreasing detergent “AQUAnax”

“Skin care cosmetics free of sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide”
(Japanese Patent No. 7430009)


Please feel free to ask us any questions or handling information regarding our products.

TEL +81-45-315-7801

9:00-17:00 weekdays, excluding public holidays

Online inquiry form