
Company Information


Corporate Mission

  1. 01
    Creating business to balance “environmental conservation” with “economic development” and targeting the realisation of a wealthy community.
  2. 02
    Always being conscious of “beautification and improvement of the living environment”.
  3. 03
    Exercising inner health, beautification and improvement ourselves and passing that onto the next generation our “knowledge and power of action that are full of vision”.


Company Information

Trade Name Nakajima Sangyo Co., Ltd.
Address 14-13 Idogayanakamachi, Minami-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa, Japan 232-0052
Representative CEO Kazushige Nakajima
Establishment July 2009
Capital 10 million yen
Business details Manufacture and sale of disinfecting, deodorizing, and oil-degrading detergents [nax series] / Development of environment-related products and system proposals
Contact TEL: +81-45-315-7801 / FAX: +81-45-315-7802


Please feel free to ask us any questions or handling information regarding our products.

TEL +81-45-315-7801

9:00-17:00 weekdays, excluding public holidays

Online inquiry form